10 real benefits of pregnancy yoga - Relax

10 real benefits of pregnancy yoga

During pregnancy, hormones are raging through your body. The question many ladies ask is: How can I control these hormones? It is definitely worth paying well-deserved attention to this, for both you and the baby...
Hormone yoga, a new trend or the real deal? - Relax

Hormone yoga, a new trend or the real deal?

Yes, hormone yoga is a thing. And no, it's not just for women in transition. Getting hormones back in balance with yoga, here's what you need to know: We are living in 2021 and daring...
The 5 best documentaries about yoga that are currently available on Netflix. - Relax

Die 5 besten Dokumentationen über Yoga, die derzeit auf Netflix verfügbar sind.

Es gibt eine enorme Anzahl an Dokumentationen oder Filmen über Yoga, Wohlbefinden oder Achtsamkeit. Nicht alle sind gleichermaßen erbaulich. Aber alle sind unglaublich interessant anzuschauen. Welche fanden wir am besten? Und welche Dokumentationen kann man...
Find out what you MUST know before you start Yoga - Relax

Find out what you MUST know before you start Yoga

Dive deep into the world of yoga with our comprehensive guide. We unravel its ancient history, demystify its numerous styles, and unveil the plethora of benefits it brings to both body and mind. Whether you...
Yoga for more energy: The 5 best yoga poses that will give you more energy! - Relax

Yoga for more energy: The 5 best yoga poses that will give you more energy!

Dive into the revitalizing world of yoga with our detailed guide on poses and practices specifically aimed at boosting your energy levels. Unravel the secrets of ancient asanas and pranayama to reduce tension, improve circulation,...
What are the best yoga leggings for hot yoga or Bikram? - Relax

What are the best yoga leggings for hot yoga or Bikram?

Discover Relax's breathable, eco-friendly leggings for hot yoga and Bikram. Crafted for comfort and sustainability, they fit all body shapes, balancing affordability with quality. Dive into enhanced yoga sessions where luxury meets eco-conscious practice.
Discover the 4 best materials for yoga clothing? Spandex, Bamboo or Cotton? - Relax

Entdecken Sie die 4 besten Materialien für Yoga-Kleidung? Elastan, Bambus oder Baumwolle?

Damit Sie sich bei der Ausübung Ihres Lieblingssports wohl und energiegeladen fühlen, ist es wichtig, Kleidung aus den richtigen Materialien auszuwählen. Doch welcher Stoff eignet sich am besten für Yoga- oder Fitness-Leggings? Ist es entscheidend,...
Why Yin Yoga is good for you - Relax

Why Yin Yoga is good for you

Did you know that Yin Yoga is a gentle and meditative form of yoga that can help you relax both mentally and physically? During this form of yoga, you spend long periods of time doing...
Building strength with yoga: These 5 yoga exercises will really make you stronger. - Relax

Kraftaufbau mit Yoga: Diese 5 Yoga-Übungen machen dich richtig stärker.

Kraftaufbau mit Yoga geht über das bloße Dehnen und Strecken deiner Muskeln hinaus. Indem du Yoga mit spezifischen Atemtechniken kombinierst, kannst du auch an der Kraft deiner Muskeln arbeiten. Entdecke hier fünf kraftvolle Yoga-Übungen, die...